Thursday, February 26, 2009

Condoms In The Toilet

Vending machines. It's common all around the world. But I entered the toilets in US I saw something different. It's really rare in Asian countries especially in Islamic countries to see something this in toilets.
Yup, that's a condom vending machine inside a male toilet in US. It functions just like any other normal beverage vending machines. Gosh, does this encourage us to have safe inside the toilet? Definitely NO. It might be something new for Asians, but it's really common in developed countries. The purpose of installing condom vending machines inside toilets is to promote safe sex and to lower teenage pregnancies. But the findings shown in the statistics below is more amusing.
Hold on, how come US has got the highest teenage pregnancy rate? LOL. This means that whether having a condom vending machine or not in toilets doesn't really help anything. It's simply business for the condoms companies...

Having condom vending machines in toilets does help prevent AIDs spreading around. You wouldn't want to get infected with AIDs because of your first few sexes with your mates. So, please bear in mind to enjoy safe pleasure. Utilise the damn machine in the toilet or simply get one from the convenient shops ^^


  1. haha.. really interesting fact there! thnx for sharing...

  2. A toilet is for doing what a toilets for, dont see the need for a condom machine to be in there.
