Wednesday, February 11, 2009

China's Toilet

Hmm, good day guys, this is my first post. I am very interested to talk about toilets. I think all of you already know that China has a bad reputation for having dirty toilets right? Well, I can't think of any reasons why the chinese don't keep their toilet clean and hygienic. It's now 2009, the we can still see toilets like this in China, it's really common to see something like this.

Ya, it stinks!!!! And believe me, it really sucks when you enter a toilet and see something like that in your vision. It is really sad for us to see these kind of toilets still exist in China, isn't it better for us to pass motion in the wild or open area which looks basically cleaner that these kinds of toilets? Oh my, what are the chinese thinking? How can they survive using these kind of toilets? Did you all noticed that there isn't any doors for the toilets(as displayed in the pictures). That really amazed me when I first went to China and entered their toilets. There is like totally no privacy when you are trying to do your thing where everyone else can see your lower part of the body completely naked. One of the rumours that I heard from the locals about the toilets without doors is that it helps to cut down costs. Personally, I think that's really ridiculous. You will be feeling windy and a bit cold when you are squatting down especially during winters or autumns. Look at the picture on the right, do they even clean or wash the toilets? Where are the toilet cleaners? Don't tell me that they aren't any toilet cleaners too. It makes me sick.

Oh, do bear in mind that THERE ARE STIL CLEAN TOILETS IN CHINA like in the airports, hotels etc. I do sincerely believe that China has already improved their toliets and it's getting better ^^ Peace out guys.


  1. First post is toilet.. lolx..

  2. Hey man, yes I do agree and back in about five or ten years there has been a rumour saying that "remember to bring along an umbrella before going to China..." lol... I have seen most of the toilet there using drain as WC too...its kinda disgusting imagine that you are in the 2nd or 3rd core and you saw a thing passed through the But what I know is that now they have improved a lot and nobody even dare to condemn China anymore.

  3. erm.. why so interested about toilet?! -.-lll
    for me.. just ignore it as well.

  4. beeep..
    tumpang lalu...
    tu toilet kt china ke?
    mmmmm,,,kotor laa..i'm soo pity..
    toilet kt sini is more better,mybe..
    i"m proud 2 be M'sian..

  5. U purposely set up the han's toilet corner to share about different toilets in different countries?

    but it is really dirty.
    seems like nobody clean it for almost 10 years.

  6. y dont u continue updating ur blog?? ^^ walton

  7. Oh, lol, sorry LGH, didnt meant to condemn China, since we are going there this July already ^^ Hope the toilets in Shen Zhen is clean.

    To anonymous, I think not every country la, maybe just all about toilets, haha

  8. 你会让我不敢去中国叻。。

  9. aiya, hong
    I where got so many money to build the nice and clean toilet. haha
    you just remember to bring your umbrella into the toilet la ;p

  10. slow just post 2 blog...haiz...char lar...i cant msn sad...
