Thursday, April 16, 2009

No time for toilet

Just wondering whether you all have the time to even go for toilets. I've been busy for the past 2 weeks or the past month, so busy, sometimes I don't even want to go to toilet. I know some people who are even busier, they really don't go toilet, or just hold their facets or urine. It's not good for them, they might be damaging themselves. They might get bladder or kidney related disease. For you to have a clearer view of what a bladder and kidney it, there's a simple picture below. Some have kidney stones, if they drink too little water. it's good to drink more water and go to the toilet more often. There's no point to hold or repress your urine and shits. You are simple making yourself suffer, you are not going to get an award out of it. GO to the toilet and do your thing. No matter how busy you are, remember to go to the toilet.

One thing we are all good at is that we can release the gas from our rectum slowly and soundlessly. We developed this throughout our lives. When we are a child, we can't control it and there will be a sound when you release the gases from your rectum. That's why we always sense something smelly but had no idea who did it. Some people are experts doing it. They can keep doing it non stop which is really ridiculous. LOL.

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